Fresh Cobb Salad: Quick and Healthy Chicken Recipes

The Cobb salad is the quintessential American salad, first pulled together on a whim by Robert Cobb. It soon developed into a trendy meal amongst the Hollywood stars & eventually grew in popularity across the world…
- Â Remove 2 GSN chicken breasts from the freezer and place in the fridge to defrost
- Meanwhile, air-fry or grill your bacon medallions. Once crunchy, cut into slices.
-  Rub the defrosted chicken fillets with olive oil and S&P – Then, place into a fan oven for 10 mins on 180c to heat through.
- Once the chicken is heated, cut into small pieces.
- Meanwhile finely slice iceberg lettuce, cucumber and spring onion lengthways & dice tomatoes.
- Place salad leaves into your bowl & begin to lay the other ingredients in lines across the bowl (use the image for inspiration)
- Add your favourite salad dressing & Enjoy!