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Discover and unlock the potential of frozen food where you can cut your food wastage, make seasonal boundaries a limitation of the past and have the convenience of extended product shelf life! At MyGSN we specialise in frozen food and here’s why.


Cutting Food Waste
With the UK now spending around £196.6bn over the whole food industry each year cutting waste is not only a logical thing to do but can also save us an estimated £19bn per year! One very simple way to cut our food wastage is by swapping to frozen food. Frozen food is becoming more accessible, up-to-date with flavours and convenient for you to prepare through the evolution of the food industry. Introducing younger generations to frozen foods may help to create a more sustainable food system as well as save your household around £470 per year in wastage (average household wastage – 2015). Freezing food slows (and kills) bacteria that degrade your food. This helps to preserve food for a much longer period of time, one way this happens is when the water crystals in your food freezes they can move out of the food source – removing some of the bacteria from your food.


Freezing food does not affect the micro-nutrient content especially when compared to mineral degradation during the time fresh food is transported, packaged and sat on a supermarket shelf.

Great news if you’re living in the North East of England, where it’s averaged people only consume 3.3 portions of fruit or vegetables per day making it extra-vital to consume nutrient rich fruit & veg!

In addition to this, freezing your food is the perfect way to naturally preserve the nutrients and flavour, meaning less preservatives (additives) are needing to keep your food fresh.


Our Pot O Gold protein ready meals are delivered with around 12 months shelf life. A meal that can sit in your freezer for a full year, ready to be eaten in just 6 minutes from day 1 to day 365. The convenience of consuming 100% of the meal, helps to reduce waste and get more value out of the food you buy. Throwing away up to 30% of the food you purchase cannot be good for your wallet, with frozen food, every miligram of what you purchase can be eaten or stored with the convenience of less waste.


You may not want to hear it but it’s true, your food is covered in bacteria! Luckily most of this bacteria is not directly harmful to you when you eat fresh food and the bacteria that is harmful is killed off during whichever cooking process you choose. Bacteria like Pantoea sp. is not deadly to you but it certainly is to your fresh leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach – this type of bacteria will not mutate into an 8 foot tall human eating monster however, it will eat and ferment your greens into an unattractive green mush.

We try a number of methods to slow this process down, bacteria resistance genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) and refrigeration are two of the most common used to prolong the life of your green “leafys” until they end up in the same place as approximately 1/3 of the food bought in the UK – the bin! By freezing your food and the peak of freshness, you prevent further degradation or destruction from microorganisms that would usually occur on fresh foods.